Delaney May was my first grandchild.  That’s her first and middle name and the reason I’m not broadcasting her last name is because I’m sure some international modeling and/or talent agency is gonna want her, and she just doesn’t need that kind of pressure right now.  She’s too busy learning how to blow slobber bubbles for heaven’s sake.  But I’m just so thankful that my daughter and son-in-law chose such a great name.  It’s beautiful, even poetic, but most of all NORMAL!!!

In this “what can I do to call attention to myself” society, they avoided the trend of giving their child some goofy yet noticeable name.  Why do parents do that?  A name is somewhat permanent.  Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter “Apple”.  If she would ever have another girl she could name her “Peach”, then she’d have a “Pear”.  HA!  And this is the woman that moved to England because she said Americans were too stupid.  Look in the mirror honey.  Rob Morrow named his daughter “Tu”.  His little girl’s name is pronounced Tomorrow.  Are you kidding me?  But the “Big Bonehead” award has to go to Dave Duchovny and Tea Leoni who named their child “Kyd”.  They named their kid, Kyd.  You can’t make this stuff up.  I’m thinking “Kyd” is a kid destined for wedgies.  There’s “Billy the Kid” and “Kid Rock”, but those are nicknames.  There is a difference, you attention seeking dimwits.  At least now we will have a real life sequel for Abbot & Costello’s “Who’s on First” routine.

What’s your name kid?
No, your name kid.
That’s it.
That’s what?
My name.
That’s what I’m asking, what’s your name kid?
You got it.
I got what?
My name.
That’s what I’m asking, your name kid?
That’s it.
Your name is “It”?
Nope, he’s my brother.

I thought the parents were supposed to be the smart, responsible ones.  But then those examples I gave you did come from Hollywood, didn’t they?

I’m just sayin’. 

Mark Mayfield

A Funny Speaker with a Serious Message